My Philosophy
Why is it so hard to meet our nutritional needs?
Many factors contribute to the challenges or ‘barriers’ that individuals and families face when making decisions about what foods to eat, how much and how to achieve proper nutrition. They include…
How can we challenge the barriers to achieving nutritional adequacy?
I promote realistic and sustainable changes through individually targeted dietary modifications and goal setting techniques. Through nutritional assessment, I seek to identify and provide workable solutions to the barriers that inhibit achieving changes in your diet and optimal nutrition. At each session, we review the prior dietary goals and problem solve together to break down the barriers to reaching those nutritional goals.
This treatment system is 'solution-based' to promote your own individual success allowing you to make informed decisions about what foods and how much to eat. Ultimately, I want you to be confident with your food choices to achieve optimal nutritional status and to be comfortable with your relationship with food, so that you can continue to enjoy eating and sharing meals throughout all your social and cultural experiences.
This treatment system is 'solution-based' to promote your own individual success allowing you to make informed decisions about what foods and how much to eat. Ultimately, I want you to be confident with your food choices to achieve optimal nutritional status and to be comfortable with your relationship with food, so that you can continue to enjoy eating and sharing meals throughout all your social and cultural experiences.
Do you need to be on a ‘diet’?
I do not promote the concept of restrictive dieting as part of my nutritional services. Restrictive dieting (excluding certain foods in the diet) commonly does not work, is unsustainable and can cause stress that disrupts a person’s relationship with both food and personal health. I promote easy to follow nutritional education helping people first identify and select nutritious foods and then incorporating skills to consume reasonable and realistic portions to properly satisfy your innate hunger.